Wednesday, April 30, 2008

the king of hearts

here is my newest illustration for the xerox student card deck. parsons school of design has the hearts. i got the king. i can't wait to see everyone elses!

Friday, April 4, 2008

URGENT: animal cruelty in fine art! please help end this crime!

if any of you have some kind of compassion for life this will completely throw you off the deep end. PLEASE sign this petition to stop animal cruelty in art!

"on august 16, 2007 Guillermo Vargas Habakkuk has tied up a dog in an art gallery as part of an exhibition. the dog was left to die of hunger and dehydration.

a jury has given him an award, and theref..."

if you have a strong stomach you can see the act of cruelty here:

if you have any kind of love for animals or life please sign this petition:

these sickos will do anything to call art and make a profit. this just gives you an idea of how the art world is starting to look these days. whats next a human child being tied up and left to die as a exhibition?

miss lindsay

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

future projects

after a very unfortunate day that consisted of the awkwardness, sheer horror, and lack of illustration job offerings at the career fair at parsons combined with spilling a huge hot cup of coffee all over myself in public, i am amazed that i haven't given up on illustration all together! however, everyone has a love hate relationship with their first love. i suppose you just can't rely on big agencies when you are in the field of illustration...i am sure this is me being very premature in my views. and my life as a struggling artists stops when?

anyhow, aside from the atrocities of the day i am still inspired by some up-and-coming projects personal and school-related.

1. gig poster time!
2. my cocktails of 2009 calendar to be up on for sale!
3. website being revamped again for the 1 millionth time!

i am so annoyed because i wanted to play sims 2 tonight and i just realized that it is in the studio with my big box of nerdy computer equipment. i guess the rest of the night will consist of TAPS on the scifi channel and/or possibly snood. wow i am really exciting haha.