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I have my senior thesis squared away and ready to begin the final touches on it for the first two panels. Just need to figure out the color and do the final compiling on photoshop with layers etc. Each box will be scanned seperately so I can make them really big and focus on the detail when I draw. Everything is sketches out and squared away.
Main inspiration for the strip section of the thesis is Winsor McCay and Chris Ware. Lots of type. The strips will be tricky when I end up printing them.....For the large illustrations, I am just focusing on how I like to create a general image.
I need to go to New York Central Art Supplies to get some really really good quality paper to print on, but that won't be anything to worry about until I print which won't be until the last 5 weeks of the semester (November-December). BFK BFK BFK.
I have a feeling I might have up to 20 pieces + for the show, depending on if I get any of them into it. (wishful thinking). This is me being super ambitious. My life depends on this. I am so ready to kick major ass. Get ready for Podd art times 50. *waves fists*
Well scratch that last post. My G4 laptop's plug broke and my computer has been inoperable for the past week therefore the poster deadline has pasted and it was never made. Its not a super big deal but I still kind of irritated about the whole situation. I just spent 80 bucks on a new plug so now everything should be okay. At the moment I am updating from a different computer.
My senior thesis is squared away. I am now ready to have a really long and stressful first semester of screen prints and hectic activity. My sketchbook is still not completed but, now since I have a complete thesis I will just fill it with sketches from each panel and comic page.
I am serious about the state of our environment so this thesis will kind of be a personal and creative view on that.
Stay tuned for sketches and prints.
So here is the outline of the main character of my design for Pandora poster. The concept that I cam up with is "music from our heart to the world" , hence the heart shaped guitar. The poster will be a gift given to people who make donations to their 3 campaigns that help less fourtunate children be able to experience a music program in their school. The final image will have a background with the view of planet earth and notes as stars. The Pandora logo will also be included in the final image.

As the summer has been winding down, I have been thrown in the face with upcomming assinments and projects. My "to do" list is about a mile long. I have been hopping trains between Brooklyn and Manhattan for the whole month since my family's relocation there.
The first part of my "to do" list includes a poster for a music analysis company called Pandora. I will post finished linework of the poster by Monday night. The colorization will be complete by the end of the week and thats when the final will be posted for your viewing pleasure.
The second part of my list is to do something related to Franz Kafka's "Metamorphasis". Lots and lots of bugs and odd things will be part of that project.
There are many more things left to do....I don't exactly want to think about everything right now. Number one priority is this poster and taking everything one step at a time.
Something that has been inspiring to me and keeping my chin up is Pete Fowler's work. If you don't know him, check out his website, toys, and music (I own a few of his little creatures):
Okay! So, just like every other person on earth, I am going to have a blog. The one on Myspace kind of stinks so all updates and happenings will be posted in here from now on. On that note, sit back and read away!