Sunday, March 9, 2008


I am so excited about everything I have recently ordered from dick blick and I hope it comes in the mail soon:

1. 3 wood panels (to start for a series of 10) in multiple sizes

2. lasceaux designer acrylics in many many beautiful shades of purples and crimsons

3. some mixing containers to keep my custom blends all organized

If you don't know about lasceaux paints....they have the most insane hues on earth and the colors are to die for.

This series is going to be about personal events going on in my life right now these past two months...not painted in a literal sense but represented in symbols and images and colors...I won't go deeply into what exact events these paintings will represent...I want to convey my hopes, my fears, memories, and predictions...I am just hoping that I will feel humbled by painting completely by emotion which is something I haven't tried to do with my work yet.

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