Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Spring Break!

Spring Break is almost here! However, it really won't be much of a break because I have some major assignments lined up and due when I return to the daily grind.

Things I would like to accomplish over the break (non-school related):
1. Get my new *city* bike that Greg gave me repaired so I can use it around Brooklyn to make errands quicker and get some exercise.
2. Sell my Xbox360 on craigslist or ebay plus Guitar Hero 3 and Bioshock (any one interested let me know!) for some some well needed cash.
3. Relax for 3 days
4. Celebrate St. Patrick*s Day
5. Cook

Things to accomplish that are school related (BOOO!):
1. Start my Anti-Celebrity Worship campaign for class on Monday
2. Work on my next project for portfolio which is to illustrate Earth,Wind,Fire, and Water as seperate images. (so excited about this project!)
3. Get a Job? Or Jobs? HELP!

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