Monday, October 29, 2007

More thesis ramblings...

So my teacher actually ended up seeing some issues with my 3rd thesis piece. Which I actually didn't agree with. He said that my piece is too "dated" looking and that I need to make it more modern by putting some kind of computery or electronic device someplace in there. Where I see where he is comming from with this, I feel like any kind of those devices will totally kill the aesthetic of the piece. Someone in class also said she looks too content or happy with what she is doing. Maybe I am bias because in my mind I wanted to create a melloncholy woman figure kind of sad and depressed about working so much. I didn't think she looks exactly like she is "smiling" or content....but overall besides all these things people loved it which is mainly all I actually care about so whatever.

As stated before, my plastic surgery piece isn't posted because of color issues I am getting wrapped up in, but when that one is posted you can kind of make a comparison about why people were kind of confused about my third piece.

I guess people expected me to put some crazy spin on it with some bloodshot eyes and skulls (this is apparently modern to some people?) but I felt that I need to start staying away from some of that so people can take my work more seriously and don't think I make things the way I do for shock value. I guess this is the calm contemplative poster between all the sick ass nasty stomach churning ones....

Anyways, I am hoping that tomorrow my next sketches will be approved so I can begin my piece about people with gambling addictions, which will be posted on Thursday like always. I am totally going to contradict this statement with my next piece.

For this one, I am doing a slot machine with strange things pouring out of the bottom. Kind of a jackpot of disgusting crap, like dead rats and rotting apples and garbage instead of money/tokens. I am going to do this one as a retro kind of casino themed insane load of digusting crap. Maybe then, everyone will appreciate it.

Lindsay P.

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