This has been a crazy break so far. I have finally almost re-locted.
COME visit me at my new ART STUDIO:
20 Jay Street
Brooklyn, NY
Its tiny and I am starting to make it look more pretty but I am so excited about having personal space and of course having work on display during open studio week at the DUMBO Brooklyn Arts Festival over the summer.
Things are starting to really happen!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Buttons for sale!
Are you a fan of my work? Or would you like to help show some support for my budding art career?! Well here is how you can do it:
I have produced some 1 inch *punk style* buttons for you to collect or wear or just to have a little souvenier. Here are two choices so far but there will be more designs to come in the future:

Starlette Girl

My logo (for support!)
So they will cost $1.50 each and I can mail them out to you for no shipping cost. Just give me the details on how you would like to pay. I also have a paypal account if that makes things easier also!
Thanks for your support everyone :)
I have produced some 1 inch *punk style* buttons for you to collect or wear or just to have a little souvenier. Here are two choices so far but there will be more designs to come in the future:

Starlette Girl

My logo (for support!)
So they will cost $1.50 each and I can mail them out to you for no shipping cost. Just give me the details on how you would like to pay. I also have a paypal account if that makes things easier also!
Thanks for your support everyone :)
Friday, December 14, 2007
*NEW* and Improved Thesis Pieces
Okay, so working hard is starting to pay off in little ways. I am feeling accomplished this week taking everything one little step at a time. Here are 3 COMPLETE thesis pieces. These are absolutely finished and ready to be archived. There are 4 more that need some tweaking and fixing but those will be poster before Friday next week for your viewing pleasure.

This one is about addiction to food and drink.

This one is about workaholics.

This one is about drugs.
Lindsay P.

This one is about addiction to food and drink.

This one is about workaholics.

This one is about drugs.
Lindsay P.
art deco,
senior thesis
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Betty Broadbent Illustrations
So here are 3 drawings for my Drawing & Mixed Media class for my biography project. These are in progress so they appear to be slightly unfinished. I did the tattoo drawings in watercolor then scanned them. I then cut them out in photoshop and placed them over the images to create the feeling of Betty being tattooed. It was interesting trying to create a aesthetic difference between the tattoo drawings and the drawings of Betty. So here they are:

Lindsay P.

Lindsay P.
betty broadbent,
coney island,
freak show,
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Betty Broadbent at the P.T. Barnum Circus
So for my drawing and mixed media class we had to do an illustrated biography of a person/thing. I chose to do a series of illustrations about Betty Broadbent who was one of the first women tattoo artists. She was also a sideshow act because her whole body was covered in tattoos. This is one of my in progress line drawings of Betty at the circus with a horse. There aren't any tattoos on her body yet because I am still trying to figure out how to work them into the images.

Everything right now is just in a constant downward spiral. Hopefully things will go in reverse soon.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Illustration Fridays
I am going to start submitting illustrations to Illustration Friday. It is a website that has a theme every friday and people illustrate the theme. Hopefully this will become a good way to get myself out there. Right now I have been busy finishing up my thesis pieces and I am proude to say I have minimal left to do. However, in mty other classes I need to do a substancial amount of work like finishing up my final toy and my 10 page biography for my mixed media class.
Aside from that, life has been rather chaotic and big changes might happen soon that I am not exactly excited or happy about but I will get through it. So I don't leave this post empty, I will post one initial line drawing from my 6th thesis piece about obsessions with food and drink.
Exhibit A: Flapper drinking absinthe

Thats all for now. I will post some drawings tomorrow from my biography book about Betty Broadbent one of the worlds first completelty tattooed women in the 1920s. Why am I so obsessed with the 20s?
Lindsay P.
Aside from that, life has been rather chaotic and big changes might happen soon that I am not exactly excited or happy about but I will get through it. So I don't leave this post empty, I will post one initial line drawing from my 6th thesis piece about obsessions with food and drink.
Exhibit A: Flapper drinking absinthe

Thats all for now. I will post some drawings tomorrow from my biography book about Betty Broadbent one of the worlds first completelty tattooed women in the 1920s. Why am I so obsessed with the 20s?
Lindsay P.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
1920 Tequila
Here is a new illustration. We had to pick a product and advertise it. I chose 1920 Tequilla. Enjoy.

Yee Haww!

Yee Haww!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Ugh, I went back to having a livejournal again for personal rants so if you have a livejournal and want to know more about my personal life aside from the art posts add my journal:
Thanks and stay tuned for another art update soon!
Thanks and stay tuned for another art update soon!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Thesis #5
Here it is. My fifth thesis piece. It is about sexual addiction. This one was so hard to come up with but everyone said I did an awesome job. This one may be one of my favorites!

The next one is going to be about food. I have NO idea what the hell I am doing for it.

The next one is going to be about food. I have NO idea what the hell I am doing for it.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
I am really bored and frustrated right now. I have promo stuff to do and I have been neglecting it for some reason. I can't decide what to do with the business cards, stationary, letterhead, postcards etc. I want to make buttons too eventually.
Bandit won't get off my lap for anything. He is like a hot water bottle.
My whole night has been pretty sad. Geographies of Hope & Despair homework or shall I say bitchwork...A Shot at Love with Tila Taquilla...3 hours of the History channel. I think I may go crazy now. My whole life these days consists of bright flat screens.
1 more week until turkey day. I am counting...
I might go to bed. I am just too cranky to deal with anything more tonight.
Bandit won't get off my lap for anything. He is like a hot water bottle.
My whole night has been pretty sad. Geographies of Hope & Despair homework or shall I say bitchwork...A Shot at Love with Tila Taquilla...3 hours of the History channel. I think I may go crazy now. My whole life these days consists of bright flat screens.
1 more week until turkey day. I am counting...
I might go to bed. I am just too cranky to deal with anything more tonight.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Thesis #4
4th thesis piece. About gambling addictions. Did a casion/hot rod/tattoo inspired theme. The coloring was hard to pick for this.

Friday, November 2, 2007
Ebay and its wonders...
So I was scrounging around ebay tonight looking for refrence photographs of women from the 1920s. I found this AMAZING 95 year old scrap book up for bid there which had old clippings from articles and magazines of silent film actresses. Of course I had to bid on it! So don't be surprised if you see me walking around with a 95 yr old scrap book for inspiration.
Anyhow, I emailed my teacher about this Baseman issue. I am not sure if I am going to be able to take it very far considering the man's status. I just think the important lesson learned here is this:
1. Myspace is dangerous. Be aware that posting artwork means people can steal and idea.
2. Apparently well experienced illustrators aren't creative enough to come up with their own concepts or ideas and have to stoop so low to rip of an art students project.
3. Stealing concepts is a strange form of flattery.
4. I should email him and thank him for taking an interest in my work and doing a series based off of it...
Anyhow take a peek at a new link I put up in the links section. It is me pretty much summed up in a blog of artwork.
Anyhow, I emailed my teacher about this Baseman issue. I am not sure if I am going to be able to take it very far considering the man's status. I just think the important lesson learned here is this:
1. Myspace is dangerous. Be aware that posting artwork means people can steal and idea.
2. Apparently well experienced illustrators aren't creative enough to come up with their own concepts or ideas and have to stoop so low to rip of an art students project.
3. Stealing concepts is a strange form of flattery.
4. I should email him and thank him for taking an interest in my work and doing a series based off of it...
Anyhow take a peek at a new link I put up in the links section. It is me pretty much summed up in a blog of artwork.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Cute Overload
The blog always supplies my day with happieness. Chihuaha's pulling lettuce carts!

Lindsay P.

Lindsay P.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Two New Pieces.
So here are two new pieces of work. One is for my Drawing & Mixed Media class and it is an editorial illustration about the knowledge of the order of spieces. The second one is just a self portrait of myself as a pirate wench that I did for fun and its going to be the placeholder for my website. Enjoy.

Monday, October 29, 2007
100 Things you didn't know about Lindsay P.
1. What is the last alcoholic beverage you drank?
Whisky Ginger Ale
2. Do you follow college football?
I don't. I wish I actually cared about sports...
3. How many miles does your car/truck/SUV have on it?
I sold my Acura long ago for furniture. I no longer have the burden of a car!
4. Who was the last person to send you a text message and what was it about?
This girl Amy from my toy design class. She wanted to know if any Mimoco winners were posted.
5. Last time you went swimming in a pool?
Wow...a million years ago?
6. Are you happy?
Not completely. I don't think anybody is.
7. Where was the last place you went shopping?
Hot Topic. HELLS YEAH. Only because they carry the brand of pants that fit me well.
8. How do you feel about your hair?
I wish it were longer and not so fried from dying it blonde over the summer.
9. Where do you work?
I don't have a job right now. Senior year is my job.
10. Last thing you ate?
Chili. Made fresh from the can at Trader Joes.
11. Do you wish you were someplace else right now?
Not really. I am content sitting here next to Greg.
12. Last time you smoked a cigarette?
1 year ago. That was because I was drinking. I am done with them forever.
13. Do you have any expensive jewelry?
Yes. A diamond necklace in the shape of a nautilus shell from my parents for high school graduation.
14. AIM or MSN?
AIM...but I am never on there anymore.
15. What classes are you taking?
Toy Concept & Design, Senior Thesis day 1 & 2, Geographies of Hope and Despair, Digital Presentation, Drawing & Mixed Media.
16. How many hours on average do you work a week:
So many I don't even count them anymore.
17. What is your favorite band?
Of all time? My true love, Smashing Pumpkins.
18. Favorite NFL team?
What is the NFL? hahah.
19. Do you watch the Olympics?
No. Why? To watch some people jump around for 7 hours?
20. Last bar you went to?
Crocodile Lounge. Lousy beer and pizza. And lost a lot of money gambling on some stupid game in the back room.
21. Who was the last person to call you?
Jessi. But I missed the call and got totally busy.
22. Whats your sign?
Aquarius. That explains a lot.
23. Do you have a favorite number?
88. It just looks cool.
24. Last time you did volunteer work or made any donation?
Not for a long time....I want to find time to help out though. Maybe over winter break?
25. What do you spend the majority of your money on?
Food. Random crap like toothpaste when I run out, light bulbs etc.
26. Where does most of your family live?
Long Island. Yay?
27. Are you an only child or do you have siblings?
Only child. Otherwise I think I would be insane.
28. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
Sure. I most likely am.
29. Ever been called a bitch?
Probably. Not in person though. I swear I'm not one!
30. Got any guilty pleasures?
xbox 360...biting my nails...petting my dogs ears.
31. Do you drink beer?
Not usually. I am a whisky drinker.
32. Have you ever experienced true love?
Yes. Greg!
33. Did you ever collect anything?
My Little Ponies, Day of the Dead stuff, antique junky things.
34. Ever ordered anything online?
A lot!
35. Myspace or Facebook?
Facebook. Just because people on there are people I see everyday.
36. Do you have T-Mobile?
No. Why? Should I get it?
37. What was your favorite subject?
Art and World History.
38. Have you ever had your heart broken?
Yeah. Don't wanna talk about it.
39. Do you usually fall for sluts?
All the time. Damn, I just can't figure it out anymore!
40. Were you an outcast in high school?
Yeah. I was considered a huge jerk. But it doesn't matter anymore. Especially when I see everyone's pictures on facebook. HAHAHA!
41. Last time you saw your family?
42. Do you have any talents?
43. Ever been in a wedding?
Once...hopefully never again.
44. Do you have any children?
Doubt it.
45. Last movie you watched?
Dan in Real Life. More like Dan in Real Poopie.
46. Are you missing anyone at the moment?
47. Did you take a nap today?
I actually didn't. That is a first. 9 AM classes are killing me slowly....
48. What is your high school's mascot?
A lame red bull.
49. Ever been on a cruise?
3 times. 3 strikes. I think I can say I dislike them.
50. Favorite vacation spot?
ICELAND! The best trip in my life.
51. How many pets do you have?
1, my little angry chihuahua Bandit.
52. Do you have any wealthy friends?
Probably. Just because eveyone at Parsons is filthy rich except for me.
53. Ever met anyone really famous before? Met? No. Not really interested.
54. Favorite actress?
Christina Ricci. She is so odd looking and cool.
56. Are you multi-tasking right now?
No. Just bored.
57. Could you handle being in the military?
No way. I'd be the first to die.
58. Are you hungry or thirsty?
Kind of neither.
59. Favorite fast food restaurant?
Burger King.
60. Do you have any grandparents still alive?
My Grandma.
61. What is your average cell phone bill?
I don't know. It just gets paied.
62. Do you own a camera phone?
Yeah and its so stupid. Just give me a phone that I can talk on.
63. what is your dream car?
1950 Chevrolet Impala.
64. Do you believe in Karma?
No. I believe that kindness brings good things though.
65. Can you speak any other languages?
Some French.
66. Last time you went to the gym or worked out?
A few months ago. I realllyyy need to go. I look like a pig. YUCK.
67. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
A lot. Seriously, a lot.
68. Do you have a photo hosting site that you use?
69. Last place you drove your car
Long Island. WHYYYY.
70. What is your college mascot?
HAHAH um that doesn't exist here.
71. Ever been to Las Vegas?
No, I doubt I will ever want to go there.
72. Nicest Hotel you ever stayed in?
I like Hayatt hotels. Thats kind of the only one I know.
73. Have you ever bought condoms?
Wouldn't you like to know?
74. How much money did you make today?
Not a cent! If only they paied you in money instead of grades...
75. What do you think is your best feature?
My face. I gues thats kinda cool?
76. Have you ever been gambling?
Once. Never again.
77. How old is your youngest sibling?
None to talk about.
78. When is the last time you updated your blog?
79. Do you have your wisdom teeth?
Only the top ones.
80. favorite T-shirt?
Any black one. Like my deep V from AA.
81. Have you been to New York City?
I live there. Yah?
82. Favorite sit down restaurant:
7A good burgers and open 24 hours.
83. Ever been to Disney?
Yeah. A few times. It was okay.
84. Do you have a favorite cartoon character?
I have no clue.
85. Last thing you cooked(at home)?
Chili from a can!
86. How is the weather today?
87. Do you e-mail?
More so than I would like to.
88. Last letter/piece of mail you received besides junk or a bill.
My rent renewal form. Dammit.
89. Favorite store?
Zara. you wear glasses?
Yes. Right now I am taking a contact lense break after a horrible night of not being able to get them out.
91. Last voicemail you received?
One from Jessi.
92. favorite club?
Don't go "clubbing".
93. Stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone?
94. What is the best city in the state that you have lived in?
This one so far.
95. Favorite quote?
"some ate born to endless night some are born to sweet delight"
96. Last time you were sick?
Not long ago. Fever and rash and horrible horribleness.
97. Are you bored right now?
98. Last concert you attended?
Chk Chk Chk & maserati. Good stuff.
99. Do you watch reality tv?
Only when there is nothing else on.
100. What are your plans for tomorrow?
Getting thesis stuff outlined and getting ready for halloween. TEAM Zissou!
Whisky Ginger Ale
2. Do you follow college football?
I don't. I wish I actually cared about sports...
3. How many miles does your car/truck/SUV have on it?
I sold my Acura long ago for furniture. I no longer have the burden of a car!
4. Who was the last person to send you a text message and what was it about?
This girl Amy from my toy design class. She wanted to know if any Mimoco winners were posted.
5. Last time you went swimming in a pool?
Wow...a million years ago?
6. Are you happy?
Not completely. I don't think anybody is.
7. Where was the last place you went shopping?
Hot Topic. HELLS YEAH. Only because they carry the brand of pants that fit me well.
8. How do you feel about your hair?
I wish it were longer and not so fried from dying it blonde over the summer.
9. Where do you work?
I don't have a job right now. Senior year is my job.
10. Last thing you ate?
Chili. Made fresh from the can at Trader Joes.
11. Do you wish you were someplace else right now?
Not really. I am content sitting here next to Greg.
12. Last time you smoked a cigarette?
1 year ago. That was because I was drinking. I am done with them forever.
13. Do you have any expensive jewelry?
Yes. A diamond necklace in the shape of a nautilus shell from my parents for high school graduation.
14. AIM or MSN?
AIM...but I am never on there anymore.
15. What classes are you taking?
Toy Concept & Design, Senior Thesis day 1 & 2, Geographies of Hope and Despair, Digital Presentation, Drawing & Mixed Media.
16. How many hours on average do you work a week:
So many I don't even count them anymore.
17. What is your favorite band?
Of all time? My true love, Smashing Pumpkins.
18. Favorite NFL team?
What is the NFL? hahah.
19. Do you watch the Olympics?
No. Why? To watch some people jump around for 7 hours?
20. Last bar you went to?
Crocodile Lounge. Lousy beer and pizza. And lost a lot of money gambling on some stupid game in the back room.
21. Who was the last person to call you?
Jessi. But I missed the call and got totally busy.
22. Whats your sign?
Aquarius. That explains a lot.
23. Do you have a favorite number?
88. It just looks cool.
24. Last time you did volunteer work or made any donation?
Not for a long time....I want to find time to help out though. Maybe over winter break?
25. What do you spend the majority of your money on?
Food. Random crap like toothpaste when I run out, light bulbs etc.
26. Where does most of your family live?
Long Island. Yay?
27. Are you an only child or do you have siblings?
Only child. Otherwise I think I would be insane.
28. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
Sure. I most likely am.
29. Ever been called a bitch?
Probably. Not in person though. I swear I'm not one!
30. Got any guilty pleasures?
xbox 360...biting my nails...petting my dogs ears.
31. Do you drink beer?
Not usually. I am a whisky drinker.
32. Have you ever experienced true love?
Yes. Greg!
33. Did you ever collect anything?
My Little Ponies, Day of the Dead stuff, antique junky things.
34. Ever ordered anything online?
A lot!
35. Myspace or Facebook?
Facebook. Just because people on there are people I see everyday.
36. Do you have T-Mobile?
No. Why? Should I get it?
37. What was your favorite subject?
Art and World History.
38. Have you ever had your heart broken?
Yeah. Don't wanna talk about it.
39. Do you usually fall for sluts?
All the time. Damn, I just can't figure it out anymore!
40. Were you an outcast in high school?
Yeah. I was considered a huge jerk. But it doesn't matter anymore. Especially when I see everyone's pictures on facebook. HAHAHA!
41. Last time you saw your family?
42. Do you have any talents?
43. Ever been in a wedding?
Once...hopefully never again.
44. Do you have any children?
Doubt it.
45. Last movie you watched?
Dan in Real Life. More like Dan in Real Poopie.
46. Are you missing anyone at the moment?
47. Did you take a nap today?
I actually didn't. That is a first. 9 AM classes are killing me slowly....
48. What is your high school's mascot?
A lame red bull.
49. Ever been on a cruise?
3 times. 3 strikes. I think I can say I dislike them.
50. Favorite vacation spot?
ICELAND! The best trip in my life.
51. How many pets do you have?
1, my little angry chihuahua Bandit.
52. Do you have any wealthy friends?
Probably. Just because eveyone at Parsons is filthy rich except for me.
53. Ever met anyone really famous before? Met? No. Not really interested.
54. Favorite actress?
Christina Ricci. She is so odd looking and cool.
56. Are you multi-tasking right now?
No. Just bored.
57. Could you handle being in the military?
No way. I'd be the first to die.
58. Are you hungry or thirsty?
Kind of neither.
59. Favorite fast food restaurant?
Burger King.
60. Do you have any grandparents still alive?
My Grandma.
61. What is your average cell phone bill?
I don't know. It just gets paied.
62. Do you own a camera phone?
Yeah and its so stupid. Just give me a phone that I can talk on.
63. what is your dream car?
1950 Chevrolet Impala.
64. Do you believe in Karma?
No. I believe that kindness brings good things though.
65. Can you speak any other languages?
Some French.
66. Last time you went to the gym or worked out?
A few months ago. I realllyyy need to go. I look like a pig. YUCK.
67. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
A lot. Seriously, a lot.
68. Do you have a photo hosting site that you use?
69. Last place you drove your car
Long Island. WHYYYY.
70. What is your college mascot?
HAHAH um that doesn't exist here.
71. Ever been to Las Vegas?
No, I doubt I will ever want to go there.
72. Nicest Hotel you ever stayed in?
I like Hayatt hotels. Thats kind of the only one I know.
73. Have you ever bought condoms?
Wouldn't you like to know?
74. How much money did you make today?
Not a cent! If only they paied you in money instead of grades...
75. What do you think is your best feature?
My face. I gues thats kinda cool?
76. Have you ever been gambling?
Once. Never again.
77. How old is your youngest sibling?
None to talk about.
78. When is the last time you updated your blog?
79. Do you have your wisdom teeth?
Only the top ones.
80. favorite T-shirt?
Any black one. Like my deep V from AA.
81. Have you been to New York City?
I live there. Yah?
82. Favorite sit down restaurant:
7A good burgers and open 24 hours.
83. Ever been to Disney?
Yeah. A few times. It was okay.
84. Do you have a favorite cartoon character?
I have no clue.
85. Last thing you cooked(at home)?
Chili from a can!
86. How is the weather today?
87. Do you e-mail?
More so than I would like to.
88. Last letter/piece of mail you received besides junk or a bill.
My rent renewal form. Dammit.
89. Favorite store?
Zara. you wear glasses?
Yes. Right now I am taking a contact lense break after a horrible night of not being able to get them out.
91. Last voicemail you received?
One from Jessi.
92. favorite club?
Don't go "clubbing".
93. Stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone?
94. What is the best city in the state that you have lived in?
This one so far.
95. Favorite quote?
"some ate born to endless night some are born to sweet delight"
96. Last time you were sick?
Not long ago. Fever and rash and horrible horribleness.
97. Are you bored right now?
98. Last concert you attended?
Chk Chk Chk & maserati. Good stuff.
99. Do you watch reality tv?
Only when there is nothing else on.
100. What are your plans for tomorrow?
Getting thesis stuff outlined and getting ready for halloween. TEAM Zissou!
More thesis ramblings...
So my teacher actually ended up seeing some issues with my 3rd thesis piece. Which I actually didn't agree with. He said that my piece is too "dated" looking and that I need to make it more modern by putting some kind of computery or electronic device someplace in there. Where I see where he is comming from with this, I feel like any kind of those devices will totally kill the aesthetic of the piece. Someone in class also said she looks too content or happy with what she is doing. Maybe I am bias because in my mind I wanted to create a melloncholy woman figure kind of sad and depressed about working so much. I didn't think she looks exactly like she is "smiling" or content....but overall besides all these things people loved it which is mainly all I actually care about so whatever.
As stated before, my plastic surgery piece isn't posted because of color issues I am getting wrapped up in, but when that one is posted you can kind of make a comparison about why people were kind of confused about my third piece.
I guess people expected me to put some crazy spin on it with some bloodshot eyes and skulls (this is apparently modern to some people?) but I felt that I need to start staying away from some of that so people can take my work more seriously and don't think I make things the way I do for shock value. I guess this is the calm contemplative poster between all the sick ass nasty stomach churning ones....
Anyways, I am hoping that tomorrow my next sketches will be approved so I can begin my piece about people with gambling addictions, which will be posted on Thursday like always. I am totally going to contradict this statement with my next piece.
For this one, I am doing a slot machine with strange things pouring out of the bottom. Kind of a jackpot of disgusting crap, like dead rats and rotting apples and garbage instead of money/tokens. I am going to do this one as a retro kind of casino themed insane load of digusting crap. Maybe then, everyone will appreciate it.
Lindsay P.
As stated before, my plastic surgery piece isn't posted because of color issues I am getting wrapped up in, but when that one is posted you can kind of make a comparison about why people were kind of confused about my third piece.
I guess people expected me to put some crazy spin on it with some bloodshot eyes and skulls (this is apparently modern to some people?) but I felt that I need to start staying away from some of that so people can take my work more seriously and don't think I make things the way I do for shock value. I guess this is the calm contemplative poster between all the sick ass nasty stomach churning ones....
Anyways, I am hoping that tomorrow my next sketches will be approved so I can begin my piece about people with gambling addictions, which will be posted on Thursday like always. I am totally going to contradict this statement with my next piece.
For this one, I am doing a slot machine with strange things pouring out of the bottom. Kind of a jackpot of disgusting crap, like dead rats and rotting apples and garbage instead of money/tokens. I am going to do this one as a retro kind of casino themed insane load of digusting crap. Maybe then, everyone will appreciate it.
Lindsay P.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Thesis #3
This is my 3rd thesis piece. This one is based on people addicted to working. Kind of like myself haha. Workaholics. I haven't posted my second thesis because I am still trying to come up with a color palate for it but you'll see it up on monday as soon as its all tweaked out.

Lindsay P.

Lindsay P.
Monday, October 22, 2007
As opposed to the last post and on an extreme lighter note, today I spent some free time remembering the animations I used to be obsessed with in the past. Not only do they have most of the clips of them on YouTube BUT, the subject matter in some of these cartoons were kind of dark and depressing. You would think movies about Unicorns and magical things would be uplifting but some of them are actually quite scary. I am questioning whether or not my parents actually realized this or not. Anyhow, I can still see how these beautiful animated films actually still influence me today so below are some clips from 4 of my favorite childhood animated films:
My Little Pony "Escape from Midnight Castle"
The Last Unicorn
The Brave Little Toaster
Enjoy :)
My Little Pony "Escape from Midnight Castle"
The Last Unicorn
The Brave Little Toaster
Enjoy :)
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Entitled to a Break
So I am taking a small break from my second thesis piece which is almost finished. I'll probably end up posting it tomorrow because I am starting to get dry eyes from staring at my computer for so long. Let me say, I am in love with my WACOM tablet. It does wonders with shading and so does my Pantone color selector kit. So far I found a company that can make editions of my files for the show in the springtime. So I will have these HUGE screenprints of my work hanging up. All 16x24. I would say that is a pretty decent size. Any larger than that would kill my wallet.
Anyhow, school has been pretty non-stressful and actually enjoyable for once. Last year I feel like I had way more assignments. I am so happy I have the free time to actually delve into my most important work which is my thesis.
2 down, 5 to go! My goal is to finish 1 per week. Next week I am going to send a finished one out to get editions done to test and see how it will end up looking.
Anyhow, school has been pretty non-stressful and actually enjoyable for once. Last year I feel like I had way more assignments. I am so happy I have the free time to actually delve into my most important work which is my thesis.
2 down, 5 to go! My goal is to finish 1 per week. Next week I am going to send a finished one out to get editions done to test and see how it will end up looking.
Monday, October 8, 2007
NEW: Senior Thesis
So here is my 99% complete first thesis piece. I changed my theme to addictions within society. This one is about drug addictions. There will be text on top, but I haven't figured out what to say about it yet so be patient. There will be another finished piece up this week at some point. Stay tuned for a gross out on plastic surgery!!!

Saturday, October 6, 2007
New Vimobots
Here are two new Vimobot designs for round two of the Mimoco contest. I doubt I will win again, but you never know!
Suba Dude Vimobot:

Roaring Twenties Vimobot:

Suba Dude Vimobot:

Roaring Twenties Vimobot:

Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Sorry, I Have Been So Busy...
So this school year so far has been so busy! Lots of projects and lots of stuff to be taken care of. I'll be posting more often as projects begin to become finished. What I can post though, is a finished side project for my senior thesis class. We had to illustrate a guilty pleasure. Mine? Xbox 360. I can't stop playing it and I feel like a huge nerd because it sucks the time of my day out from under me.

The color is slightly off. I will soon either get my screen calibrated or buy pantone color charts to help me out better.
More posts to come as I have two more finished Mimobots from my toy design class and my first finished thesis piece. (My thesis has changed so disregard the first couple sketches from my last post).

The color is slightly off. I will soon either get my screen calibrated or buy pantone color charts to help me out better.
More posts to come as I have two more finished Mimobots from my toy design class and my first finished thesis piece. (My thesis has changed so disregard the first couple sketches from my last post).
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
Acid Bile Disgusting
So I found out that my toy design will be released in early 2008. So keep an eye out for it.
This blog should start to become filled with images in the next 2-3 weeks so that should make this more interesting for people who just want to look and not bother reading any text.
Someone to check out:
Gris Grimly
Not only are his illustrations cool, he is also super nice in person. I went to a book signing 2 years ago at the Animazing Gallery down in SoHo. His illustrated book of Edgar Allen Poe and Moster Museum is well worth buying or just checking out.
Well, I am off to shower, grab a vegan muffin and green tea around the corner, and get to class without passing out in the middle of the street.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Senior Thesis
I have my senior thesis squared away and ready to begin the final touches on it for the first two panels. Just need to figure out the color and do the final compiling on photoshop with layers etc. Each box will be scanned seperately so I can make them really big and focus on the detail when I draw. Everything is sketches out and squared away.
Main inspiration for the strip section of the thesis is Winsor McCay and Chris Ware. Lots of type. The strips will be tricky when I end up printing them.....For the large illustrations, I am just focusing on how I like to create a general image.
I need to go to New York Central Art Supplies to get some really really good quality paper to print on, but that won't be anything to worry about until I print which won't be until the last 5 weeks of the semester (November-December). BFK BFK BFK.
I have a feeling I might have up to 20 pieces + for the show, depending on if I get any of them into it. (wishful thinking). This is me being super ambitious. My life depends on this. I am so ready to kick major ass. Get ready for Podd art times 50. *waves fists*
Friday, August 24, 2007
My senior thesis is squared away. I am now ready to have a really long and stressful first semester of screen prints and hectic activity. My sketchbook is still not completed but, now since I have a complete thesis I will just fill it with sketches from each panel and comic page.
I am serious about the state of our environment so this thesis will kind of be a personal and creative view on that.
Stay tuned for sketches and prints.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Thursday, August 9, 2007
Pandora Poster & Kafka
The first part of my "to do" list includes a poster for a music analysis company called Pandora. I will post finished linework of the poster by Monday night. The colorization will be complete by the end of the week and thats when the final will be posted for your viewing pleasure.
The second part of my list is to do something related to Franz Kafka's "Metamorphasis". Lots and lots of bugs and odd things will be part of that project.
There are many more things left to do....I don't exactly want to think about everything right now. Number one priority is this poster and taking everything one step at a time.
Something that has been inspiring to me and keeping my chin up is Pete Fowler's work. If you don't know him, check out his website, toys, and music (I own a few of his little creatures):
My design was on display at Comicon San Diego about a week ago along with the other 2 winning designs. Heres the promo:

Mine was Zombie Tiki God by heyimlindsayp. The purple and green nightmare on the far left.
So this little guy will be hitting the shevles as well with the other two after the second half of the contest (there will be 3 more winners announced)! Stay tuned for updates about when and where you can buy one, I am pretty sure that Kid Robot, Toy Tokyo, and the MoMa Design store will carry them first.
Here are some better photos of the protoype (I owe it to the boyfriend for fantastic photos!):

The other design I submitted into the contest was Pacific Northwest Totem Pole bot which I was way more in love with than the the actual winning design which is here:

So which one do you think should have won?
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